Release Countdown[tminus t="12/23/2017" days="Days"/]

The Blendersauce Vault

The Project I am working on the last few weeks is The-Blendersauce-Vault.
The-Blendersauce-Vault is a collection of useful things for your work with Blender and other 3D Software. In the Vault you will find Procedural and Texture based Materials for Blender, mapped Textures, Alpha Brush Sets, Normal Maps and HDRIs(not yet but soon). Everything you find in the Vault is free for Download without registration, subscription or any other costs.
It is all under the Creative Commons License (CC-BY 4.0) or Public Domain (CC-0)

Most of the Procedural Materials are created by myself and those Materials which are created by another Author I give credits in the Description in the Material file. The Texture based Materials, the Textures, Alpha Brush Sets, Normal Maps and HDRIs are all created by myself. Detailed License Informations will be available soon, but a more restrictive license will only affect the Textures, Alpha Brush Sets, Normal Maps and HDRIs but this is just about the redistribution terms.

Progress "The BlenderSauce Vault"

planned first Stagein the Pipelinein the Vaultplanned for Release
Procedural Materials 1507741118
Texture Based Materials 2001100100
Textures 20011010120
Alpha Brushes 150130075
Normal Maps 15055055

As you can see there is still much to do before the release and more to come. I can not give any guarantee that I really reach the full material and texture count as shown above, but I will do my best.

A first Preview Video will be released arround the 30.11.2017 (11.30.2017).

Stay tuned!!